Abolish Slavery Mission Reports from Mexico and The United States 2013-2017

Abolish Slavery Mission Reports 2013-2017
Abolish Slavery Coalition identifies and rescues victim’s of human trafficking in the United States and Mexico, providing support to survivors and their families. Thanks to years of investigative work and strategic working relationships with service providers and law enforcement agencies, we provide intelligence assessments and assistance to the victims and their families. The organization provides long-term support to cover the needs of the survivors, including: basic amenities, shelter, security, counseling, and medical services, as well as legal representation as needed. By organizing support groups for parents of missing children, we include able and capable parents in the proactive work of the counter human trafficking task forces… to identify, locate, and rescue the victims.


A Summary report of our mission work in Mexico and the United States from 2013-2017
Learn how you can support our mission work in 2018 and beyond
MEXICO – 2013-2017 Abolish Slavery was initially invited by the famed human rights legend, Mother Antonia… to work in Tijuana, to help minors and women who were bei
ng exploited, sold on the streets, clubs and other areas known to be hot-spots for human trafficking. A Prevention fair was created with Mother Antonia, which led to the first bilateral task forces to address human trafficking on both sides of the border.
2013/2014 Abolish Slavery worked providing intel to both ICE and Mexican authorities. A survivor support group was formed to help the victims and their families, and dozens and dozens of investigations led to the intel to identify the locations where the victims were being subjugated, the addresses were investigated by the respective jurisdictions, and hundreds of victims were rescued.
2015-2017 In searching for a single missing minor, one case led to multiple state wide investigations within Mexico and the United States–that have led to hundreds of rescues. Through various human trafficking investigations and working directly with the parents of the victims, we were able to identity, find, and rescue many more victims.
UNITED STATES – Abolish Slavery has done human trafficking investigations that have led to the rescue of minors and women throughout the U.S including New York, and in 2017 we ended the year by being a part of the investigative teams, from Texas to California, to ensure the rescue of young boys who were trafficked using online social media, Snapchat.
Abolish Slavery Coalition has active task-forces, cases In the following areas:
New York City, NY – United States
Orange County, CA – United States
San Diego, CA – United States
Los Angeles, CA – United States
San Antonio, TX – United States
Tijuana, Baja CA – Mexico
How your donations impact and support our 2018 mission:
* Your donations go toward covering basic needs for victims of human trafficking and survivors who are rescued by Abolish Slavery or who have been referred for support
* Donation support helps cover the following; shelter, food, security, transportation, access to counseling and medical services, as well as legal representation and support with asylum cases.
Make a donation today to support our ongoing mission to rescue and restore the lives of victims of human trafficking and ensure survivors are given the help and support they need

RELENTLESS – Award winning, feature film about human trafficking available everywhere February 6th

RELENTLESS -Award winning feature film on human trafficking available everywhere February 6th on blue ray, DVD, digital, and on demand. The film which is inspired by true events about human trafficking in Latin America supports our mission to Abolish Slavery Worldwide 
“1981. Civil War rages in El Salvador between American-supported government forces and guerillas. Refugees flee to Los Angeles and form the gang, “Los Discípulos”. Many are deported back to El Salvador and eventually form one of America’s largest human trafficking rings.” This is the backdrop for “Relentless”, inspired by true events.
Relentless is written/directed by Writer, and Director Lance Tracy
Starring: Holly Drew (Lauren Shaw), David Castro, with Elpidia Carrillo
“This film educates the audience on the American-supported Salvadorian Civil War, the government death squads, and Salvadorian war refugees who formed a notorious international gang that is now responsible for trafficking the majority of Central Americans to the U.S.A., making up one of America’s largest trafficking rings.”-Relentless
State legislators, and film-makers joined together for a historic screening of Relentless, a dramatic film inspired by true events about Human Trafficking -Relentless
The award winning film RELENTLESS was screened Monday January 29th, 2018 for the Senate and the House for speedy passage of Bill 554. Currently in the Senate Judiciary Committee, Senate Bill 554 would create a safe harbor for victims of human trafficking, giving them the resources they need to recover rather than criminally charging them.
Pennsylvania Senator Camera Bartolotta hosted the event with Abolish Slavery Coalition as part of the National Human Trafficking Awareness Month with Lance Tracy, director of Relentless and Dawn Adams of Abolish Slavery Coalition including Senator Lisa Baker, and Pennsylvania Speaker of the House Bill DeWeese in the hopes to get more done in Pennsylvania to prevent human trafficking.
Dawn Adams of Abolish Slavery was present to speak to law makers about human trafficking, and to answer questions as well as provide statistics on human trafficking both state/nationwide

Images from Senator Bartolotta @SenBartolotta and @SenLisaBaker Senator Lisa Baker from the private screening of the award winning feature film Relentless, hosted by Abolish Slavery as part of the National Human Trafficking Awareness Month with @lancewtracy director of Relentless and Dawn Adams of Abolish Slavery Coalition. Relentless was privately screened for the Senate and the House for speedy passage of Bill 554. Relentless film will be available everywhere February 6th, visit relentlessmovie.com and abolishslavery.org to learn more, and support our mission to rescue, restore the lives of victim's, and survivor's of human trafficking worldwide. #Relentless #Relentlessfilm #AbolishSlavery #humantraffickingnews #freedom #AbolishSlaveryCoalition #lancetracy #films #filmnews

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For more information and to order the film visit relentlessmovie.com
Help support our mission to Abolish Slavery by making a donation today 

Abolish Slavery Newsletter 

Abolish Slavery Newsletter 

Read the latest Abolish Slavery Newsletter to stay updated on news, events, and mission updates, and ways you can support our mission 
FREEDOM Is Our Mission

“AbolishSlavery.org prevents the spread of modern-day slavery by helping establish, train, advise, and mentor human trafficking task forces both domestically and internationally , to find and protect those who have fallen into slavery, and exploitation, and promote the infrastructure needed to rescue victims of labor and sexual exploitation, and assist them on the road to recovery.”

About AbolishSlavery.org
Abolish Slavery Coalition is a human rights agency that forms task forces to protect victims of human trafficking, prevent the crime from happening, and work to prosecute the criminals, so victims can have a safe transition out of slavery and into a joyous life. We help coordinate and mobilize in order to improve effectiveness in various contexts around the world, whether it is Tijuana Mexico, or New York City.
What you can expect from upcoming newsletter updates
  1. Support to Human Trafficking Prevention Act
  2. Upcoming documentary-film to be announced
  3. Abolish Slavery Mission reports
  4. Ways you can support our mission 
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